
Imports of square baths

Importing square saunas: looking for distributors in Europe

Kvadratinių pirčių importas: ieškome distributorių Europoje Lietuvoje gaminamos kvadratinės pirtys bačkos sparčiai populiarėja ne tik vietos rinkoje, bet ir užsienyje. Šiandien jos tapo neatsiejama SPA kultūros dalimi bei unikaliu sprendimu norintiems moderniai ir estetiškai praturtinti savo kiemą. Atsižvelgiant į augantį susidomėjimą bei sparčiai plečiantį gamybos pajėgumą, aktyviai ieškome distributorių Europoje, kurie padėtų šiuos produktus pristatyti […]

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New sanctions in force

New sanctions against Belarus: how they will affect barrel saunas imports

New sanctions against Belarus: how they will affect imports of baths From 2 October 2024, new European Union sanctions against Belarus will affect a wide range of industries, including the supply of prefabricated buildings (code 9406). This means that Belarusian exports of baths and other constructions to EU countries will stop after this date. The sanctions are linked to the EU's efforts to isolate

New sanctions against Belarus: how they will affect barrel saunas imports Read More »

Winter sauna: what are the advantages and how to prepare?

Winter sauna: what are the advantages and how to prepare?

Winter sauna: what are the advantages and how to prepare? A winter sauna is one of the most anticipated seasonal pleasures, with undeniable health and well-being benefits. In this article, we will discuss the main benefits of a winter sauna and give you tips on how to prepare properly so that this ritual is not only enjoyable but also safe. The benefits of a sauna in winter Boosting immunityWinter is the time of year when

Winter sauna: what are the advantages and how to prepare? Read More »

Sauna at home: how to plan and furnish

Sauna at home: how to plan and equip it?

Sauna at home: how to plan and equip it? Installing a sauna at home is not only an investment in your health, but also an opportunity to create a unique place to relax and unwind. A sauna has many benefits: it improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system and helps you relax after a hard day. However, before embarking on this project, it is important to plan and prepare all the necessary aspects well. In this article

Sauna at home: how to plan and equip it? Read More »

sauna etiquette

Sauna etiquette: how to behave in public and private saunas?

Sauna etiquette: how to behave in public and private saunas? A sauna is not only a place to relax and improve your health, but also a social space where certain rules of behaviour apply. Whether you are visiting a public or a private sauna, it is important to know and follow the basic rules of etiquette in order to have a pleasant experience for yourself and for other sauna users.  

Sauna etiquette: how to behave in public and private saunas? Read More »

recommended sauna temperature

Recommended Temperature in the Sauna: Optimal Conditions for Health and Relaxation

Recommended Sauna Temperature: optimal conditions for health and relaxation Sauna is not only a place to relax, but also an effective way to improve your health. The right temperature in a sauna can ensure maximum health benefits and enjoyment. But what is the right temperature? In this article, we will discuss the recommended temperatures for different types of saunas and the benefits they provide. Temperatures for different types of sauna

Recommended Temperature in the Sauna: Optimal Conditions for Health and Relaxation Read More »


Vantha: A Natural Way to Maintain Health and Wellbeing

Vantha: A Natural Way to Maintain Health and Well-being What is Vantha ? Vantha is a traditional element used in saunas all over the world, especially in Lithuania and other Baltic countries. They are made from natural plants, usually birch, oak, spruce or other tree branches. In addition to providing a pleasant aroma, vases also have many health benefits. Benefits of Vantas

Vantha: A Natural Way to Maintain Health and Wellbeing Read More »

The benefits of a sauna after a workout or competition

The benefits of a sauna after a workout or competition

The benefits of a sauna after a workout or competition A sauna is an ancient way of relaxing and recovering, with many benefits for physical and mental health. The benefits of a sauna for athletes are particularly evident, as it helps them to recover more quickly after intense training and competition. In this article, we will look at how a sauna can help athletes to reduce muscle aches, improve their general well-being and recover more quickly after exercise.

The benefits of a sauna after a workout or competition Read More »

modern sauna

Frame or Mobile Sauna ? Why choose a frame sauna?

Framed and Mobile Saunas: why choose a framed sauna? Bathing is an ancient ritual with deep roots in the history of many cultures. In Lithuania, the sauna is an integral part of life, providing not only physical benefits but also relaxation for the soul. Today, saunas are still popular and appreciated for their health-promoting properties and the opportunity to relax. However, when it comes to choosing a sauna for your home

Frame or Mobile Sauna ? Why choose a frame sauna? Read More »

Hot Tub

Why buy a hot tub?

Why buy a hot tub? Hot tubs are becoming an increasingly popular choice among homeowners looking for ways to improve their quality of life. As well as providing a great way to relax, a hot tub has many health benefits. In this article, we'll discuss why you should buy a hot tub and how it can enrich your daily life. Muscle relaxation and pain relief

Why buy a hot tub? Read More »

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