Sauna maintenance: essential steps for a long-lasting sauna


Article on sauna maintenance. Even though we clean the house often, the maintenance of the sauna often suffers. Due to its specific microclimate - high temperature and humidity - a sauna needs special care to ensure its longevity and hygiene.

Sauna maintenance

After each sauna session:

  • Clean all wooden parts of dirt, sweat and votive leaves. Use a soft brush or felt and rinse with running water.
  • Ventilate the sauna well by opening the vents. In winter, it is better not to open the windows and doors to keep the heat out. Raise the loungers and grilles to help them dry out faster. If necessary, fire up the stove to spread the heat and dry the room.

On a regular basis:

  • Disinfect the sauna area, especially where the skin comes into contact with it (loungers, benches, floors). Use disinfectants specifically designed for saunas.
  • Clean the stove of ash and soot. Check the condition of the stove and carry out repairs if necessary.
  • Check walls and ceilings for mould. If you notice any mould, take immediate action to remove it.

Additional tips:

  • Use special wood care products. These will help protect your wood from moisture and mould.
  • Regularly check the condition and tightness of the sauna roof.
  • Ventilation is essential for sauna maintenance. Ensure adequate air circulation both when the sauna is in use and after it has cooled down.
  • If you are not sure how to maintain your sauna, consult a professional.

Sauna maintenance - important to know:

  • Read the instructions carefully before using any chemical products.
  • Do not use aggressive cleaning agents on the surface of the sauna, as this can damage the wood.
  • If you notice any irregularities in your sauna, take immediate action to correct them.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a clean, safe and long-lasting sauna for a long time.

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